We follow what we call our Enhanced Curriculum because we embed therapy into an educational programme based on the National Curriculum. It’s delivered across an Extended Day to include Enrichment activities and allow pupils time out to regulate themselves and tackle their studies at their own pace as required.

At YARROW HEIGHTS, we aim to provide a broad curriculum that enables all pupils to achieve academically, as well as explore new and exciting avenues for learning.
To this end, our curriculum is comprised of both traditional core subjects (English, Maths, Science, IT, PE, and Humanities) as well as other, more unique opportunities designed to broaden our pupils’ horizons. For example, our Enrichment programme features activities such as: crocheting and textiles, hair and beauty, foreign language study, pottery making and horticulture.
Another important addition to our curriculum offering is PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic education), of which each pupil receives two lessons per week. Furthermore, the themes discussed in PSHE lessons are embedded in all aspects of the wider curriculum in order to keep the subject prescient in the pupils’ minds. We feel that PSHE is a fundamental aspect of a broad curriculum, as the issues discussed in these lessons will prepare pupils for life in the wider world.